Sabado, Hulyo 16, 2011


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) is just like a bundle of all these things:
the water piping system; the electrical lining system; the bicycle; roads and highways; the library; the printing press; the telephone; the airplane; and many more. A career in IT is not a dead-end job; it's a continuous learning and innovating of a lot of things.
Information technology-- as it was defined, as an industry that uses computers, networking, software programming, and other equipment and processes to store, process, retrieve, transmit, and protect information. As part of the innovative generation, I.T is more frequent in the usage of this equipment that contains either temporarily or permanently features of technological advancement specifically the computers. But information technology does not end up to only that, because I.T has a widespread approach that could penetrate in the thoughts of men. Their deeds might as well beyond their imagination.
I.T resembles with the Water Piping System and the Electrical lining system. Is such a way that identical measures and concept are in common. Water piping system is designed to create and generate the continuous flow of water from the main source that was distributed to the end user. This is to cover an efficient and safety usage of paraphernalia involving water. As time passes by these were developed to be more flexible system and also to lessen water theft and impose proper drainage. Like Information Technology deliberated just to have a consistent and a higher quality flow of information running through the society person to person. Efficiency and effectiveness is its vision. Like in Electrical lining system this is also designed as a means of spreading the electricity into different destination usually from one foundation. Regulate and forbid extending beyond the maximum displacement capacity receiver and carrier. Indeed in information technology departments have gone from using storage tapes created by a single computer operator to interconnected networks of employee workstations that store information in a server farm, often somewhere away from the main business site. But not only in business site but also for one’s purpose in communicating for leisure time and for pleasure time.
“Communication has advanced, from physical postal mail, to telephone fax transmissions, to nearly instantaneous digital communication through electronic mail (email). As time passed and technology advanced, such as with the advent of the personal computer in the 1980s and its everyday use in the home and the workplace, the world moved into the information age.”

Information technology is like a Bicycle composes of different gears. If we take a look we could say that these are just a structure that seems to be simple. But if you take a ride and give a pressure on its paddle then you’ll know that you are deceived because of the fact that in technology the collaboration of skills, thoughts and competency is the core of conversion of complexity to efficiency. The opportunity of becoming the product of an Information Technology or an I.T erudite is like the wheels of these bicycles, as you continue to paddle, the wheels keep on spinning and as people continue to indulge their selves in the advancement of technology, the jobs for I.T is always rotating and you have to do is balance your decision and be the man of dedication and willingness in looking forward to learn. Because Information Technology is a vehicle by all means, just like to communicate proficiently.

We could also say that I.T is like a package of Roads and highways; the Library; the Printing press; the Telephone; the Airplane; each has different features, and different characteristics that make the society an innovative one. In this manner I.T could be compared and applied to any other fields that has a significant role worldwide and that is why people see those things as the reasons for a career in IT is not a dead-end job; it's a continuous learning and innovating of a lot of things. These makes possible of the managerial efficiency among those having the most use of application of Information Technology.
There are some places for IT service improving on, or implementing, tactics for IT environments such as problem and contingency awareness, cost analysis, and software and hardware management and configuration, to be more productive and to enhance technology acumen.

“Great technological advances have been made since the days when computers were huge pieces of equipment that were stored in big, air conditioned rooms, getting their information from punch cards. The information technology industry has turned out to be a huge employer of people worldwide, as the focus shifts in some nations from manufacturing to service industries. It is a field where the barrier to entry is generally much lower than that of manufacturing, for example. In the current business environment, being proficient in computers is often a necessity for those who want to compete in the workplace.Jobs in information technology are widely varied, although many do require some level of higher education. Positions as diverse as software designer, network engineer, and database administrator are all usually considered IT jobs. Nearly any position that involves the intersection of computers and information may be considered part of this field. (IT) is a large industry that contains many executive management roles. Information technology director jobs are specific executive roles.”

People nowadays are up into new technologies. And having the capacity to manipulate programs and consider that this could also be and always will be a medium of communication, will never die but will evolve through the test of time, through years and generation, the advancement of technologies will always be in process and men will continue to adapt its changes. In Information Technology career the internal and external composition of these developed computers is an edge to others or than to those fundamental functions. People must acquire to the development of these frequency for people will also be developing higher technology applications. People must also bear in mind that these also bring disadvantages. People must be knowledgeable enough to take no notice of the disadvantages we all have to consider and apply only the advantage of these featured technologies brings.

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